Thursday 31 October 2013

A fangirl's message to her bias

 "Dear bias, 

I love you. I really do. I've never loved anybody like this before, let alone a man. My love for you is deeper than any ocean, higher than any mountain, and shines brighter than any star.

I will follow all your updates, look up what you dislike, stay up late just to watch you live, sleep outside the concert venue just to make sure I could see you clearly; I'll do anything for you. 

But this love has it cost.
Because of you, I'm broke.
Because of you, my grades got worse.
Because of you, I rejected all the boys who confessed.
Because of you, I have no life.
However, I won't blame you, since I'm the one who chose to fall in love with you. I will go to the ends of the earth if it means I could make you happy.

But, I'm tired. Tired of waiting. Tired of getting my hopes up. I know the realities of being a fangirl. I can be in love with and Idol, but never an Idol with a fangirl. 
L.joe once said he wanted to marry an angel.
Woohyun once said 'Inspirits' are his girlfriends.
Henry once called his fans as his wives. 
You tell us that you love us all, but can you really do? When you don't even know of my existence?

I might be a fangirl, but that doesn't mean I don't want a boyfriend, I don't want to go onto dates, I don't want to get back hugged. Despite being a fangirl, I would love to have some one to hold me, cherish me like I'm the only girl in the world.

So dear bias, if I unstan you one day, or give you up because of another man, please forgive me. I hope you understand that you'll forever be a part of my memory, my heart. Thank you for once being my motivation, thank you for once being the reason why I dream; thank you, for once, being my everything."

 A true fangirl can relate this 

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